Wednesday, March 11, 2020

How To Build a Strong Website with Link Analyzer Tool

If you have a website, then you must know about how links work and how they impact on your website’s health. While backlinks are necessary to create for the sake of a website, you cannot easily keep track of them once your website and its backlinks start growing. But it is necessary to thoroughly understand the backlinks and where you get them from. Link analyzer is such a tool that makes it easy for you to analyze links by displaying them for you.

link analyzer
What is Link Analyzer?
The Link analyzer is a free online tool that displays the backlinks of a webpage when you insert a URL in the search bar. Not only does it shows you how many links you have got, but also it categorizes the links into external, internal, do-follow, and no-follow links. It displays the links, and the pages they came from, too. With the help of the tool, you can evaluate these links’ integrity and quality.

It is very important to analyze the inbound and outbound links, so you can modify and update your website to get more links from reliable sites. Knowing these links well can help you build a strong website in a pretty short time.
But finding all of the links at once is not an easy job if done manually – it is a matter of great time and patience. To make your task easier and simpler for you, the link analyzer tool can be of great assist.

Benefits of using the link analyzer
Backlinks play big roles when it comes to SEO; If used in the right way, they can be a great asset to your website. Building good links can boost your website in Google search ranking, i.e. your website will be displayed as the first result on the first page if you can get enough good backlinks from reliable sites.

But you must keep in mind that, getting links randomly will affect your website; you must not have too many links from websites that themselves are not reliable. Because it will result in the search engines demoting your website on the ranking.
But how would you know whether they are good or bad? Of course, with the free online link analyzer tool.

The steadfast tool can help you with the criteria below:  
You can see all of the links displayed at once.
You can find any link you want to see within seconds.
You can check the duplicate links and remove them easily.
You will be to filter which websites are good for your site and which of them are not.
It will help you build the best structure of backlinks.
Since the links are categorized in External, Internal, DO follow and, No follow, you don’t have to      manually filter them.
By using this free online SEO tool you can easily detect Dead link or Broken links, and fix them
  without any hassle.

Use this amazing free online link analyzer tool to build a strong backlink structure for your website and watch it soar high in no sooner. Consistent backlinks can pave the way for your site to a sure success, and having a link analyzing tool at your disposal can make life much easier.

How To Build a Strong Website with Link Analyzer Tool

If you have a website, then you must know about how links work and how they impact on your website’s health. While backlinks are necessary ...